
Skylight Glass Work In Dubai

Skylight Glass Work In Dubai

A skylight (sometimes called a roof light) is a light-permitting structure or window, usually made of transparent or translucent glass, that forms all or part of the roof space of a building for daylighting and ventilation purposes.

Types of Skylight Glass

  • Fixed Skylight
  • Ventilated Skylight
  • Tubular Skylight
  • Custom Skylight
  • Pyramid Skylight
  • Dome Acrylic Skylight
  • Barrel Vault Skylight

Choosing the glass for your skylight

Imagine what it would be like to transform that dark, gloomy spare room into a bright, sun-filled retreat by day and an indoor stellar observatory by night. Now wouldn’t it be great if you could let in all that light without needing to install windows that provide your nosy next-door neighbor a clear view into the room?

The solution is simple – skylights. Now maybe you have been avoiding skylights because you heard horror stories about leaks and other problems. Admittedly, skylights can seem like a somewhat counter-intuitive concept. After all, why would you want to take a perfectly good roof and cut a hole in it?

The good news is that modern skylights are much more reliable than their original counterparts. You can have your bright natural light and a weatherproof house too.

ot sure how to choose a skylight? We have put together the necessary information on skylight types, materials, and coating options to prepare you to pick out the perfect skylight.

Ready? Let’s get started.

What conditions does your skylight need to withstand?

UV Light

As that gorgeous natural light comes streaming into your room, it first passes through the skylight. That means that whatever material your skylight is made of must be designed to handle extended UV light exposure.


Rain, snow, sleet, hail, ice – these unforgiving elements all land directly on your roof and skylights. Be sure they can take it.


Tree branches are the most likely cause of impact damage, although other airborne debris from a heavy wind-storm can also cause damage. Know how your skylight will react to impact damage.

How Skylights Transformed Our Home

Skylight polycarbonate Is Strong Enough To Withstand Weather

Skylight polycarbonate is designed for weather-fighting performance.  Even though snow and rain are powerful forces of nature that are capable of causing great damage, it is strong enough to handle the elements. Although polycarbonate is 200 times stronger than glass, it’s also half as heavy.  This amazing formula has made it possible for skylights to be stronger and more flexible than ever. 

The Benefits Of Skylight polycarbonate For People

We can’t say enough about how beneficial natural light is for all of us.  No building company can make a claim to have invented the benefits of natural light; they have been in existence ever since the dawn of life on our planet.  Sunlight brings warmth and comfort, but it also provides us with an intangible feeling of energy and optimism, a sense that we can accomplish more on a sunny day than we can on a dreary one.  When the natural light from the sun is brought indoors, it leads to an increase in productivity that makes us all feel better about ourselves and our accomplishments.  

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